Saturday 23 February 2013

The thing with toilet seats in public washrooms

So here's the thing; squatting on the toilet seat in the public washroom when you supposedly should sit on it. (happens here in my hometown, not sure about other asian countries though, and i dont think "orang putih" have that kind of habit).

How many times have you encountered such a situation where you'll see shoe prints on the toilet seats in public washrooms? so....when you see one...what other choice do you have? you surely wouldn't want to sit on it would you? and the next thing you know, you are somehow squatting on the toilet seat too!=D

people does that because they are disgusted with the fact that they are sharing toilet seat with others..they find it icky and most of them will usually choose the squat toilet but if they cant find one..the only normal thing to do next is to squat on the toilet seat!

 if only each and every one of us just sit on the toilet seat and us it properly like how we should have from the very beginning,  i'm pretty sure we wouldn't be encountering such dirty toilet seats right? and everybody else can use the toilet seats happily.

Furthermore, squatting on the toilet sit is obviously dangerous. That toilet bowl can actually break and cause us injuries. You wouldn't want to be rushed out of the toilet to the emergency room because you broke a toilet bowl. How embarrassing is that?

come to think of it, squat toilets are definitely an asian favourite . It's the ultimate choice when going to the public washrooms. i don't think the foreigners a.k.a the "orang putih" are keen about the idea of squat toilet though. The squat toilets are definitely an asian thing. Imagine the thoughts that are running through their minds when using those toilet seats in the washrooms and seeing those mysterious foot prints all over the seats. It may seems like we don't actually know how to use the toilet seats, plus the fact that there are actually signs pasted on the wall of some public washrooms instructing users to sit on the toilet seats not squat or stand on them. How funny is that? It is not because we are some bunch of morons that there are such silly warnings or signs but because of our bad habit. All and all, i think it is only for the better that we start using toilet seats properly and try not to violate them.  Just my two bits.

Hope you guys don't mind the whole toilet issue.=) .

1 comment:

  1. eeeee...cridak na juak rupa jamban ktk step hahaha..
